Richard Matthew Stallman, commonly known in hacker and computer social circles as “rms,” is an American software developer, hacker, and advocate of free software. He was born in 1953 in New York City. After finishing high school, Stallman wrote his first computer program, a preprocessor for the PL/I programming language. […]

Samsung is rapidly coming up with Smartphones enabled with updated technology, recently the technology news is buzzing with its recent addition to another upgraded Smartphone, the Samsung Omnia M. This phone is scheduled to be launched on 1 August 2012 with a speculated price tag of $ 454.81 (£289.95). Let […]

Free CAD drawing software is a must-have for budding designers, or those just starting out in the architectural, specialist engineering or building industries. The free downloadable program should enable you to create, print and save your own professional drawings. It won’t include the features that come with more professional software, […]

Does Web Hosting Have an Effect on SEO? There are 3 web hosting factors that influence where your website gets ranked. Here is an in-depth look into them: Uptime/ Downtime Downtime is the length of time when your website cannot be accessed because of the problems involving the server. It […]