We have seen many organizations completely ignore Search Engine Optimization (SEO) when considering a hosting package, web hosting and SEO should be a key consideration in the selection process. SEO is an important step in creating a website and should should be taken into serious consideration before you even begin to build your website, one of the considerations here is hosting.
Country Specific Domain NamesIf the majority of all of your customer base is located for example in the UK, then you should get hosting in the UK – get your own UK hosting here. However if your server is located in the US for example you can still localize your domain to improve rankings on Google UK search.
Staying on the example of serving a customer base largely or complete based in the UK using a TLD: .co.uk tells search engines that your are indeed based in the UK. Even having a .co.uk domain name and a server hosting your website in Germany or the US having that crucial .co.uk is a strong enough statement.
However don’t be tricked into typing ‘UK Web Hosting’ into Google and going with the first result as some UK Web Hosting companies actually have servers based overseas and with the combination of a .com domain name your chanced of appearing in the Google UK search from the web and pages from the up is limited.
In an ideal world in this scenario you should have reliable hosting in the UK and a .co.uk domain name, however there are ways around it if you do not. If you are based in the UK and own a .com and not .co.uk, you could purchase .co.uk TLD and forward your .com to the .co.uk however there is risk in this if you site has build up a good reputation and has a strong back link campaign and high page rank. You can always try to localize your domain. But in conclusion to rank in a regional specific area you either need hosting in your country or a local TLD e.g. .co.uk, you don’t necessarily need both.
Avoid Cheap Web Hosting – consider both web hosting and seo …
Simply knocking up a quick website, rushing the design, back end coding and on site search engine optimization and finally whacking it onto the cheapest server you find is not going to deliver any success at all, if you are serious about creating a professional authoritative website then you really needs to invest wisely in web hosting. As mentioned above why attract unwanted visitors from unwanted locations.
Sometime cheap hosting companies will offer ridiculous amount of free space, however this can have an adverse effect on down time, and this means that your website may not always be available upon request. This not only has a knock on effect on SEO but also website usability as it may cause problems for website visitors to visit your website when they want to, what is worth adding here also is if search engine spiders cannot access your website and follow links throughout your site this will obviously have an effect on your SEO campaign. Again some webhosts that offer cheap hosting use a method where your domain is redirect to the back of another Website. This can cause problems with the search engines reaching your website and website content. I have also found that some cheap hosting providers host sites that have been banned from the search engines; this of course will have more than a negative effect on search engine rankings.
Avoid Hosting Multiple Domains on the Same Server
Yes it does seem very tempting to buy server space and hosting more than one domain. Let’s just say that search engines e.g. Google may frown upon this type of behavior. Search Engines may believe that the company hosting these multiple domains is attempting to artificially link together hence trying to manipulate search engine with the objective of increase rankings in the search engine results pages. However this can and often does results in a decrease in SERP rankings. In conclusion consider web hosting and seo as working to compliment each other in your efforts to achieve effective search engine ranks, check out the resources below.