We know from writings in the ancient Greek Iliad, the Bible and the Koran that the human perception of colour has been evolving. The language used to describe the colour of such things as the sea or sky, once compared with other common place objects, has changed. Up until recently […]

Up until a little while ago I wasn’t aware of the existence of the International Telecommunication Union. Unless international telecommunication falls into your line of work or among your chief interests, why would you be aware of them? They aren’t the kind of organisation that makes headlines every day, or […]

Up, up, and away in my beautiful balloon into the clear blue yonder – through and past the clouds. Think you’d like floating on a cloud? How about “Pennies from Heaven?” Are we there yet? No? Well…allow me a moment to enlighten your spirit…via the cloud. The cloud as we […]

Do I need to elaborate things further? Do I have to tell you that we are all on the verge of mass mortal peril because of the global phenomenon called Global Warming continuously manifesting its wrath to the planet? Of course I do. While the effects are imminent, there are […]

Now, what is culture? Culture is the summum bonum of ideas, language, customs, beliefs, values and technology inherited from the society. In this article I would like to enumerate on certain facets of culture and explicate them with the synthesis of new ideas. I would like to look at culture […]